Foundation Interests

The Chapman Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that provides support to improve the lives of children, families, communities and cities. The Foundation was created in 1967 to honor and memorialize Alvah H. and Wyline P. Chapman and to perpetuate their charity and concern for others. Main areas of interest for Foundation support are: children & families, education, substance abuse prevention, multicultural understanding, natural and historical conservation and programs serving the homeless. Grants are awarded in communities where the family and directors reside or have been involved. Grants are considered twice a year in December and June. Please visit Grant Guidelines for more information on eligibility and types of support.


Children & Families

Non-profit organizations and programs that support children and families. Programs and initiatives that provide resources for parents and kids, effectively improving resources for safety and health. Not-for-profit organizations and programs that promote community engagement, public awareness.



Non-profit organizations and programs that facilitate learning, knowledge and skills. The Foundation provides support for school facilities and supplies, scholarships, student assistance projects, classroom enrichment, cultural programs such as dance, music, theater, visual arts, literary arts.


Substance Abuse Prevention

Grants have previously been awarded to non-profit organizations and programs that support the prevention, treatment, recovery from alcohol and drug abuse. The Foundation supports programs that provide paths to sobriety, school-based or community-lead prevention programs.


Multicultural Understanding + Multiethnic Harmony

Greater cultural awareness and harmony builds a strong and resilient community. The Foundation supports non-profit organizations and programs that provide resources for multicultural awareness and understanding. Programs that foster trust and respect for intercultural communication and cross-cultural understanding are eligible for grant awards.

Programs serving the Homeless

Grants have previously been awarded to not-for-profit organizations and programs that seek to empower and serve the needs of the homeless. The Foundation supports comprehensive and solutions-focused rehabilitation services for the homeless including shelters, medical, psychiatric care, education, workforce training, young adult workshops, childcare, playgrounds, facilities.

Natural & Historical Conservation

The Foundation supports community outdoor programs, urban renewal and restoration projects that enhance the natural environment and landscape. Historic preservation endeavors that seek to conserve and protect buildings of significant heritage are eligible for grant awards.